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The Rise of AI in Digital Marketing and Associated Risks

by  David Dwyer on  08/10/2024

The pace of AI (Artificial Intelligence) development is staggering, isn't it? It feels like only yesterday OpenAI shook the tech world in late November 2022, and since then, it's been a constant race to keep up. 

But at Inspire Digital, we believe it's not just about keeping pace but it's also about ensuring we're on the right path.

Whenever a new AI tool hits the market, we ask crucial questions to make sure we're moving forward responsibly:

  • In the workplace: What changes will it bring to our work environments?
  • Benefits vs. Risks: Are the benefits truly worth the potential downsides?
  • For students: How will this affect student learning and growth?
  • Safety concerns: Could this be used in ways that compromise safety and privacy?
  • Cybersecurity: What new threats might emerge, and are we prepared for them?
  • Company readiness: Is the company behind the tech ready to handle its impact?

How do we make sure we’re using artificial intelligence ethically? That’s the conversation we need to have—and it’s one we take seriously here at Inspire Digital.

Artificial intelligence

How we utilise AI at Inspire

At Inspire, we're all about harnessing the power of digital marketing to not just meet but exceed our clients' goals. 

At the core of our mission is a commitment to ethical practices and innovative approaches that make a real difference.

Today, we’re diving into a hot topic that’s reshaping our industry: the rise of AI in digital marketing. 

AI is everywhere, from chatbots on websites to algorithms that predict what customers will buy next. 

While these tools offer incredible advantages, like better targeting and efficiency, they also bring a set of challenges and risks that we can't ignore.

We’re talking about the need to keep things safe and fair, ensuring that while we use AI to push boundaries in marketing, we also protect our clients and their customers.

It’s a balancing act, and here at Inspire Digital, we’re committed to getting it right. 

Let’s explore what this means for our industry and how we navigate the exciting yet complex world of AI in digital marketing.

The dangers of unregulated AI in digital marketing

When we talk about using AI in digital marketing, there's a lot to be excited about—like smarter targeting and automation that saves us time. 

But there's a flip side to this coin. Without proper rules and oversight, AI can lead us into some murky waters.

For instance, a 2023 Global Security Operations Center Study revealed some telling statistics about the challenges faced in security operations. SOC professionals reported that nearly 33% of their daily time is consumed by investigating and validating false positives—incorrect threats flagged by automated systems.

Furthermore, 80% of these professionals indicated that manual investigation of threats significantly slows down their overall response times, with 38% finding manual investigation to be a major bottleneck.

This inefficiency underscores the potential downsides of unregulated AI in digital marketing. 

Without proper checks, automated marketing tools can similarly generate false positives. 

For example, they might incorrectly identify or target customer segments, leading to wasted resources and potentially harming a brand's reputation through inappropriate or irrelevant content. 

Potential risks of using unregulated AI

The first risk is losing control. 

Imagine an AI system deciding on its own what content to show your audience, but it starts to show things that aren't accurate or even appropriate. 

This could quickly damage a brand’s reputation. Then there's the issue of data privacy. 

AI systems that aren’t tightly regulated might mishandle customer information, leading to breaches that nobody wants.

Real-world examples of AI misuse

In 2017, The Economist made a bold claim: data had become more valuable than oil. Since then, this idea has resonated widely, driving organisations across all industries to ramp up their investment in data and analytics. 

But just like oil, the world of data is not without its complications.

According to the "State of the CIO 2023" report, 26% of IT leaders believe that AI and machine learning will be the biggest areas for IT investment. While these technologies can provide significant competitive advantages, missteps can lead to serious consequences, affecting reputation, revenue, and even safety.

Let’s look at a few instances where things didn’t go as planned. 

Air Canada's costly chatbot error 

In February 2024, Air Canada was ordered to pay damages after its chatbot incorrectly informed a passenger, Jake Moffatt, that he could apply for a bereavement fare discount after purchasing his tickets. He spent over CA$1,600 and was later denied the discount, leading to legal action where the tribunal faulted Air Canada for not ensuring the accuracy of its chatbot's information.

There have been cases where AI advertising tools amplified biased content or violated privacy standards by not properly managing user data. These examples serve as a wake-up call for the need to keep a tight leash on our digital tools.

Gannett's AI journalism fail

Gannett, a major newspaper chain, paused the use of its AI tool, LedeAI, after it produced poorly written and repetitive sports articles. Highlighted in August 2023, the incident exposed the limitations of AI in producing quality journalistic content and led to a temporary discontinuation of the tool across local markets.

ChatGPT's legal misinformation

In 2023, an attorney faced penalties after relying on ChatGPT for legal research, which resulted in the submission of non-existent cases and docket numbers in court documents. This incident showcased the risks of using AI in critical applications without thorough verification of its outputs.

Healthcare algorithm bias

A healthcare algorithm widely used in the U.S. was found to be less likely to refer Black patients to high-risk care management programs compared to white patients, due to its reliance on healthcare spending as a proxy for health needs. This case, revealed in 2019, emphasised the importance of ensuring AI systems do not perpetuate existing inequalities.

AI Professionals

The Importance of Credibility in AI Professionals

This is where the human element comes into play. 

It’s crucial that the professionals behind AI tools in marketing are not just tech-savvy but also credible and trustworthy. They need to understand the ethical implications of their work and commit to transparency. 

In summary, while AI offers great potential in digital marketing, steering it requires careful thought and ethical handling. 

At Inspire Digital, we’re dedicated to ensuring that our AI-driven initiatives are as safe and effective as they are innovative. This way, we protect not just our own integrity but also the trust of the customers we serve.

Key concerns for businesses working with AI professionals

Lack of transparency in AI processes

When it comes to AI, knowing exactly how decisions are made is crucial, yet often overlooked. 

Many AI systems function as "black boxes," where the decision-making process is hidden. 

This lack of clarity can be a big problem for businesses that need to understand and justify how outcomes are derived, especially in sectors where compliance and regulations play a significant role.

Accountability issues when AI produces undesirable outcomes

Who is to blame when AI goes wrong? 

This question becomes complex as AI systems are integrated into more critical aspects of business operations. 

Establishing clear lines of accountability is essential, especially when mistakes can lead to significant financial loss, damage to reputation, or legal consequences.

Ethical considerations: AI replacing human creativity

Humans are naturally creative. We come up with new ideas based on our experiences, feelings, and imagination. This creativity allows us to make connections and inventions that can really change things around us.

On the flip side, AI is about giving machines the ability to handle tasks that usually need human brainpower, like solving problems or understanding language. It works based on set rules and data it receives.

Now, even though AI is super useful in areas like healthcare, finance, and tech, it can't match humans in some ways. 

For instance, AI doesn't really "get" emotions or have personal experiences, which are big parts of making creative decisions. It doesn't feel empathy or connect on a personal level, which are often the driving forces behind true creativity.

So, while AI is great at what it does, it's not a substitute for human creativity. It's more like a tool that can help us extend our own capabilities in different fields.

While AI can enhance efficiency and generate new possibilities, it's vital to consider how it might stifle creative human input. Striking the right balance where AI supports rather than supplants human creativity is a significant ethical challenge for many organisations.

Questions Businesses Should Ask AI Professionals

Ensuring transparency: Questions to ask about AI methodologies

Businesses should inquire about the workings of AI technologies they intend to use. Key questions might include: 

  • How does the AI make decisions? 
  • What data does it use? 
  • Can the process be explained in simple terms? 

Understanding these elements can demystify AI operations and ensure they align with business values and compliance requirements.

Assessing accountability: Understanding the professional’s track record

It's important to evaluate the reliability and history of AI professionals or firms. 

Questions like "Can you provide examples of how you've handled AI errors in the past?" or "What measures do you have in place for accountability?" can help assess whether partners are capable of managing potential risks responsibly.

Evaluating ethical practices: How to ensure AI is used responsibly

Finally, verifying the ethical standards of AI practitioners is crucial. Businesses should ask how AI will respect user privacy, how bias is mitigated in AI systems, and how they ensure that AI practices adhere to ethical standards. These questions help ensure that AI implementations do not inadvertently harm users or society.

Inspire Digital

Inspire Digital's approach to responsible AI usage

Our strict AI policies and guidelines

At Inspire Digital, we maintain rigorous standards for AI usage. 

Our policies ensure that all AI implementations are transparent, accountable, and ethical. By adhering to these guidelines, we not only comply with regulations but also build trust with our clients and stakeholders.

Balancing AI enhancements with human creativity

We believe in using AI to enhance human creativity, not replace it. 

Our approach focuses on leveraging AI as a tool that augments the creative processes, helping to bring new and innovative ideas to life without overshadowing the human element.

Guiding your AI journey with integrity and confidence

As we've learned today, using AI isn't just about tapping into powerful technology—it's about doing so responsibly and ethically. 

It's crucial that we use AI in ways that respect privacy, enhance fairness, and uphold our shared values. That means not only avoiding pitfalls but actively steering AI towards positive outcomes.

At Inspire Digital, we're here to help your business navigate the complexities of AI with confidence. 

Our team specialises in integrating AI solutions that are not only effective but also safe and ethical. 

Whether you're looking to streamline processes, enhance customer engagement, or innovate responsibly, we have the tools and expertise to support your goals.

Ready to make AI work for you, without the worries? 

Reach out to Inspire Digital. Let's ensure that your AI journey is successful and aligned with the best practices that protect and promote your business values.

Artificial Intelligence
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